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Ossipee Mountain ATVER's

273 Old Alfred Rd, Waterboro, ME.




Our trail system covers Waterboro and Shapleigh with access to surrounding towns. 

We look forward to having you come join our club and support our efforts in becoming Maine's most recognized club.

We are a family oriented club, with many activities and events through out the season.






MINUTES FROM THE July 19th meeting



Meeting called to order by President, Todd Abbott at 6:30.

Joyce passed out a copy of the June minutes, Steve made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, John L second , all member approved.

Joyce passed out the treasurer’s report to Club members in attendance. Warren made a motion to approve the report, Steve second, approved by all Club members present.

Old Business:

Todd and Roger attended the last Selectman’s meeting. They presented out case for road access in the Waterboro area so ATV’s can get from one trail to another due to landowners closing off their properties. A large attendance who live on East Shore Road are very opposed to having ATV’s riding on the road. Todd and Roger have a meeting August 3rd for further discussion. Todd has asked for Club members to attend these meeting to show our support for road access. Todd will post on our website and face book the dates and times of the meetings.

Jim Laflame is working on the dump truck. Todd has given him the go ahead since we had the money donated from the Saco ATV Club.

We took a $120 loss on the drone. The Old Home Days did not have the best weather. Am sure had it been a sunny warm day we would have sold more tickets. The drone was won by Tim Emerson of Farmington, N.H., ticket was drawn by Deputy Comeau and sold by Warren.

A reminder trail work every Tuesday evening. We have 3 bridges in need of repair.

Mike made a motion to go ahead and print the maps. Steve second. All members present approved.

Another reminder for the Jackman ride was brought up by Roger.

Plan to raffle a GoPro at the Fright Night, last ride for the year. Mike is to look into the purchase of the GoPro.

New Business:

Schedule more rides for 2017, and maybe two poker rides.

Joyce made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45, second by Warren, approved by all members present.






Meeting called to order by the President, Todd Abbott, at 6:35.

First item for discussion was the Pancake Breakfast to be held September
19th. has been changed to a working
breakfast to work on the Club house.  We will have breakfast sandwiches for the work crew.Annywone who wants to ride after can  Joyce will do shopping for the breakfast.

Next discussion was the upcoming Poker Ride to be held October 17th. 
Another meeting will be held October 3rd at 1:00 to finalize the Ride. 
There will be 5 locations leaving the Club house around 10:00, coming
back to the Club house around noon for lunch, and ending the ride at the
Club house around 4:00.  Followed by the Fright Night ride at 6:00.  We
plan to serve 3 meals from the Club house that day.  There will be no
charge for the Night ride.  The Poker Ride is $10.00 and two more cards
can be bought for $5.00 a piece.   We will need Club members at the five
locations to take names of those participating in the Poker Ride. 

Treasurer's report was passed out to members and read by the treasurer,
Joyce Eaton.  Warren made a motion to accept the report, seconded by
Jerry, and approved by all members.

There was a brief discussion about the Limington ATV Club dissolving
December 15th, and what our Club would like to do about maintaining any
of their tails, if at all.  More to come on the matter.

At the October 3rd special meeting the Board of Directors will audit the
books presented by the Treasurer.

The next major project for the Club to take on is the roof on the Club
house and trail work with the Snowmobile Club on Dolbec Ridge.

Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30, seconded by Doug,
and approved by all members.



Meeting called to order  at 6:50pm



Treasurer’s report was handed out to those that attended meeting.  Joyce went over the report, motion to accept by Gayle, second by Warren, all in favor.


Minutes from February meeting were posted to our Web page. 




March 29th  Mark Trails closed for Mud Season.  Anyone interested in assisting marking the trails contact Todd for time.


Joyce took notes for the Events meeting held on March 7, 2015.  Those attending were Todd, Mike, Joyce, Leo, John Bell, Roger and Andy. 


It was decided that we will hold 4 events at the Jamboree; they are to be Obstacle, drag, mud pit and barrel race.  We will have first place trophies.  Gayle is to get the trophies, we need to see how many we have left from last year and get plaques for those.


Food will be breakfast sandwich for $2.00 and for lunch we’ll be serving Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and Sausage. 


2 Hot Dogs    $5.00           Complete meal  $7.00

1 Hamburger  5.00                 “                     “

1 Sausage        5.00                 “                     “


Complete meal consists of above plus chips and soda.


Art will be getting the ice for us; he’s not sure about a freezer and ice cream.


Andy and Steve will do the shopping of the food.


The following will be responsible for contacting sponsors:


Andy – Tractor Supply, Napa and Cabela’s

John Bell – Motor Head, Sanford Sound and Andy’s Detailing

Trixie – Lakeside Market, JD’S and Town Line Deli

Gayle – Hoglunds in Biddeford

Todd – Abbotts and Reynolds

Rodney – Maine Turbo Diesel






Sponsorships are $25.00 to be put on the T-Shirts.


Admission fee is $5.00 per person charged by the 20X facility.  Working members that day will be free, but only if you’re working, otherwise the cost is the same for general admission $5.00.


Mike will contact Party Plus about the tent, tables and chairs.  We will get a cost for having the company delivers or the Club will go and pick them up.


Joyce will be sending a letter to Poland Springs for the water donation.


Mike will also be responsible for checking out the generators to be sure they are in working condition.


Gayle is also to contact IF&W and invite them to the Jamboree.


It was decided that we will not  be raffling off an ATV.  It was decided that we would have more spaghetti feeds and other meals to make our money. 


There will be a night ride after everything is cleaned up and put away after the Jamboree!


Old Home Days was discussed and the Club will be assisting with the parade.  Todd will be reaching out to previous event organizers for assistance.  Old Home Days are July 11, 2015.


A couple of ideas were discussed on raising money for the club.  With the ATV out, one idea was to put a Kids Electric ATV in the Old Homes Day parade and then raffle it off.  Motion to purchase an electric kids ATV from one of the toys store by Gayle, second by Doug, all approved.


The other idea was to have a Poker Ride; the course would be designed so that it would be a large circle with check points.  Cost would be $15.00 for 5 cards and $10.00 each for 2 additional cards.  If there should be a tie with the card hands, a cut of the deck would determine the winner.  Our first POKER RIDE will be August 15, 2015.  Stay tuned for more details.


Posters were handed out for the Jamboree; please get them into the store windows.  Todd is also going to post the poster to the Web page.


Todd spoke on the map.  Goal is to have them ready for print by the end of May, so we need to get as many sponsors as possible locked in.


Meeting adjourned:  8:00pm 




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